Welcome to the release notes for our latest product update! There are many changes and enhancements in March, and our platform is always getting better and easier to use. We’re excited to share with you some new features released this month:

1. Bulk Scanning Update

Introducing the new bulk scanning and update module, a powerful tool used by dispatch and warehouse personnel to manage their parcel inventory efficiently. This module enables users to scan barcodes or QR codes on multiple parcels at once and perform bulk actions, such as updating task status, assigning tasks to drivers, or updating task details. By reducing manual processes and increasing automation, this module can help companies save time, reduce errors, and improve overall productivity.

2. Geo-fence Map Overlays

Now you can add multiple geo-fence overlays to your map. With this new functionality, you can easily customize your map by dividing it into different regions and zones based on your business needs. This feature enables you to group your delivery and pickup tasks by location/region and assign them to the most suitable driver. You can click on a geo-fence zone to select all tasks that lies in it. Then create an optimal route for all selected tasks or simply assign them to a driver.