WooDelivery Custom Branding

Brand our dashboard and mobile apps with your logo,
theme colors and more with just a couple of clicks

Custom branding is free on the Professional plan

What is included?

  • Logo
    Put your logo on all mobile apps, admin dashboard, online forms, tracking and alert messages.
  • Theme Color
    Change the theme color on mobile app, admin dashboard, online forms to match your company branding.
  • Email Sender ID
    Send notification emails from your company email address e.g. [email protected]
  • Caller & SMS Sender ID
    Route calls and messages through your company phone number (subject to availability)
  • Customer Portal
    Branded merchant/customer portal for your regular customers
  • Shipping documents
    Show your company name and logo on the shipping labels and delivery dockets

WooDelivery White-Label Solutions

In our Enterprise plan, mobile apps will be white labelled and published under your name on Google Play and App Store. Maintenance will be done by WooDelivery Team. All the applications with your company logo, domain name and color theme. We can also deploy the system to a dedicated server & database. Here are white-Label options:


White-label Web URLs

The URL white-label feature helps you to customize the URL on admin dashboard, merchant portal, tracking link, booking forms and more with your custom domain name or product name. For example, after URL whitelablling the URL will be as follows:

Existing URL : https://www.woodelivery.com/tracking
White-labelled URL : https://app.your-domain-name.com/tracking

White-label Mobile Apps

Mobile apps will be white labelled and published under your name on Google Play and App Store. Maintenance will be done by WooDelivery Team. All the apps with your company logo, tradingmarks and color theme.

We charge a one time setup fee to cover the initial costs to publish custom mobile apps, and a monthly maintenance fees for each published app.

Dedicated Server & Database

We will deploy the system and database on a single dedicated infrastructure (app server and database). You’ll have complete control over data management, security and compliance, when you upgrade, and how you manage uptime and performance.

Single Sign On (SSO)

It allows your users to authenticate to WooDelivery applications through your company’s existing identity provider. They can access multiple applications with the same set of credentials.

SSO is available to Enterprise plan customers only. You need to provide us with details about your identity provider (IDP). We charge a setup cost for the SSO implementation.

Start Your Project With Us

New customers will get 14 days free trial. No credit card required, no hidden charge.