Welcome to the November 2023 release notes. There are many updates in this month that we hope you’ll like, some of the key highlights include:

1. Enhanced Custom Field Flexibility in Task Management

Several updates have been made to the custom fields on task. Users can now define the custom field type, including options like text, numbers, drop-down lists, and other field types. Furthermore, users have the option to make custom fields mandatory. These enhancements provide users with the flexibility to create custom fields, such as a payment option drop-down list. If you need more dynamic custom fields or different custom fields for different tasks, you may still want to consider using our custom task form module.

2. Multiple Printing Copies for Shipping Labels

In our latest update, you now have the ability to print multiple shipping labels per task. Each shipping label displays a unique ID number. This feature proves highly beneficial when you need to ship multiple packages to the same address, each package requiring its individual shipping label. You have two options for specifying the number of labels the system will generate. First option, you can utilize the task’s capacity number field to define the number of print copies. Alternatively, you can base the print copies on the number of items or packages associated with the task.

3. Enhanced Webhook Configuration and Payload Options

We’ve undergone a comprehensive overhaul and improvement of our webhook system, which serves as a critical component for sending real-time data to third-party systems. For instance, when a driver completes a task within the app, the webhook can transmit data to your ordering system to update the order status to completed. In our latest update, we’ve introduced a new interface for configuring webhooks. Furthermore, we’ve empowered users with the capability to create webhooks that can transmit payloads containing complete task attributes, simplifying custom integrations. Additionally, you can still generate custom payload data using AnyTask tags as needed.